
What do you have for breakfast? Click on the link below to learn some vocabulary:


Here you have a new series to listen and practise your English. I hope you enjoy it!




Click on the following link to practise the prepositions of time:



How often do you...?
Do the following activities to practice frequency adverbs:

Practise telling the time and revise daily routine verb phrases. Do all the exercises in this wonderful interactive book. Enjoy!




To practise writing about your routine,  click on the following link:

Daily routine





Learn the vocabulary and practise:



Click on the following links to revise family vocabulary:



Watch this video and practise the possessive adjectives and pronouns:




Click on the following link to practise the present simple and plurals:
Pulsa en el siguiente enlace para practicar el presente simple y los plurales.




Do these quizzes to practise the present simple:




Have a look at this wonderful interactive book to learn about jobs in English:

Do these quizzes to see how much you know:



You can do the following exercises for revision:

Click on the following links to practise the simple present with exercises :


Here you have the song we listened to in class!
Aquí tenéis la canción que escuchamos en clase!

With subtitles
Con subtítulos



Here you have the song we listened to in class








Practise the colours with Gogo




RED: apples, tulips.
BLUE: the sky, lakes.
GREEN: pines, the grass.
YELLOW: the sun, sunflowers.
ORANGE: oranges, peaches.
PINK: roses, geraniums.
BROWN: some birds, some shoes.
BLACK: seals, some bears
WHITE: snow, rice

 Pinchando en el siguiente enlace puedes ver un libro interactivo  sobre los colores y practicar su pronunciación.
 Clik on the following link and you can see an interactive book about the colours and practice their pronunciation.

Pinchando en el siguiente enlace puedes ver un video sobre los colores y practicar su pronunciación.
Clik on the following link and you can see a video about the colours and practice their pronunciation.

Pincha este otro enlace si quieres seguir practicando.
Click on this other link if you want to practise a little more.



Mira este video para repasar lo que vimos en clase : this - that, a - an.
Watch this video to revise what we saw in class: this- that, a-an

Aquí teneis más ejercicios para aprender la diferencia entre this, that, these, those.
Here you have more exercices to learn the difference between this and that, these and those. 

Y si aún necesitáis más práctica echad un vistazo a estos otros ejercicios.
And if you still need more practice have a look at these other exercises.



Here you have another episode of  "Gogo's adventures with English". Objects: "What's this? Is it a...?




Click on the following link to learn and practise the regular and irregular plurals in English.
Pulsa en el siguiente enlace para practicar los plurales regulares e irregulares en inglés 



Aquí tenéis la canción que escuchamos en clase. Disfrutadla!
Here  you have the song we listened to in class. Enjoy!



Pincha en el siguiente enlace para comprobar si sabes cómo usar los adjetivos posesivos:
Click on the following link to check if you know how to use the possessive adjectives

possessive adjectives quiz 

Aquí tienes otros dos ejercicios para practicar los adjetivos posesivos.
Here you have other two exercices to practise possessive adjectives 



Aprende o repasa los nombres de países y nacionalidades leyendo este libro interactivo sobre  el tema.

Learn or revise the names of countries and nationalities reading this interactive bok about the topic.

Practica las nacionalidades escuchando este video:
Practise "nationalities" by listening to this video:

Practica la pronunciación de algunas nacionalidades pinchando en el siguiente enlace:
Practise the pronunciation of some nationalities by clicking on the link below:



Aquí tenéis más práctica. Es más fácil porque es para niños. Podéis entreteneros, practicar inglés e incluso verlo con vuestros hijos, sobrinos, hermanos pequeños...Se trata de una serie de dibujos animados para aprender inglés. Va dirigido a un público infantil, pero puede ser útil a los adultos que quieren aprender inglés también. Enjoy!!!



Escucha y practica algunos de los saludos y fórmulas de presentación del inglés (americano)
Listen to some greetings in American English



 Pronombres personales: Estos son los pronombres sujeto. Van generalmente delante del verbo:

En combinación con el verbo "to be":



In the morning we say:

In the afternoon ( from 12:00 to around  18:00) we say:

In the evening, after dinner or from 18:00 until late...we say:

And when we go to bed we say:

other greetings  are :
And what we say on Thursdays when the lesson finishes :
   Have a nice weekend !!
        The same to you !    

Muzzy in Gondoland 1_GREETINGS por maikresse72


Puedes practicar cómo se escriben completando este juego

You can practise how to write them by playing this game


y para una prácticar un poco más, echa un vistazo a este divertido libro interactivo sobre los números 
And  to practise a little bit more, have a look at this amusing interactive book about numbers 


Aquí tenéis las letras del alfabeto inglés para que practiquéis la pronunciación y de paso aprendáis o repaséis algunas palabras de vocabulario.
Here you have the letters of the English alphabet for you to practise the pronunciation and at the same time learn or revise some vocabulary


Here you have another listening exercise. This is quite easy ( I hope!) but it is a very good  revision practice


Listen to a man taking about his and his wife's daily routine. You can download the audio script and the listening worksheet with the questions. Listen to it as many times as you need.


Listen to an interview to a woman from London and try to answer the questions. Don't worry if you don't understand everything. You can read the tapescript and listen to it again


Here you have more  listening practice. You can revise the following vocabulary before doing the listening exercise. There are some ( not many) new words


Click on the following link to do a listening exercise:

You can click here to revise some vocabulary about the different places and buildings you can find in a town or city:


Click on the following link to practise  the listening skill: 



Click on the following link to practise the listening skill:



With this new episode you can revise some o the estructures and vocabulary we studied in class! Enjoy!



Listen to this video to practise the listening skill:



Here you have the song we listened to in class. Enjoy!




This is a long vowel sound. The usual spelling is:
or : sport, door
al:   talk, small
aw: saw, draw 
But we can find it in other words like: 
water, four, bought, thought.

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

This is a short vowel sound. The usual spelling is:
o : hot, stop, long, not, 
But also:
what, watch, want

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

This is a diphthong, a double vowel sound.The usual spelling is :
o : home, drove, old, don't
oa: road, toast, coat, boat

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

Click on the following link to practise the difference between the long o sound, like in "horse"  and the diphthong, like in "phone":

Click on the following link to practise the difference between the short o sound, like in "clock"  and the diphthong, like in "phone":





Here you have the song we listened to in class:


And here you have the same video with subtitles:



What do you know about London?  Listen to this documentary to know a bit more about it:


The greatest city in the world. Do you agree?


Which of these places would you like to visit?


In this episode you can practise listening, prepositions, can/ can't, and vocabulary about the house. Enjoy!





Practise the prepositions with Gogo...



Here you have the first chapter of this New Headway serial; very good to practise listening. I hope you enjoy it!



Practise the present continuous listening to this conversation:



A bit more practice ...



                Usual spelling: 

           air: airport, stairs, fair, hair

           are: square, careful

Watch this BBC video about the pronunciation of this sound.

You can practise the difference between /ea/ and /ai/ clicking on the following link:


Have fun practising the present continuous watching this Road runner video.


Practise " How many are there?" with Gogo:



Correct the mistakes in the following dialogue in a gift shop:
