
This is a long vowel sound. The usual spelling is:
or : sport, door
al:   talk, small
aw: saw, draw 
But we can find it in other words like: 
water, four, bought, thought.

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

This is a short vowel sound. The usual spelling is:
o : hot, stop, long, not, 
But also:
what, watch, want

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

This is a diphthong, a double vowel sound.The usual spelling is :
o : home, drove, old, don't
oa: road, toast, coat, boat

To learn more about this sound, click on the following link:

Click on the following link to practise the difference between the long o sound, like in "horse"  and the diphthong, like in "phone":

Click on the following link to practise the difference between the short o sound, like in "clock"  and the diphthong, like in "phone":





Here you have the song we listened to in class:


And here you have the same video with subtitles:



What do you know about London?  Listen to this documentary to know a bit more about it:


The greatest city in the world. Do you agree?


Which of these places would you like to visit?


In this episode you can practise listening, prepositions, can/ can't, and vocabulary about the house. Enjoy!





Practise the prepositions with Gogo...



Here you have the first chapter of this New Headway serial; very good to practise listening. I hope you enjoy it!



Practise the present continuous listening to this conversation:



A bit more practice ...



                Usual spelling: 

           air: airport, stairs, fair, hair

           are: square, careful

Watch this BBC video about the pronunciation of this sound.

You can practise the difference between /ea/ and /ai/ clicking on the following link:


Have fun practising the present continuous watching this Road runner video.


Practise " How many are there?" with Gogo:

